The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) opened on Wednesday (22nd), the registration for professionals and students of journalism to compete for the "Esmat Journalism Award 2023". With an award totaling R$ 55,500.00 (fifty-five thousand, five hundred reais), those interested in participating can register until October 9th.
The registrations can be done clicking here.
About the themes
The award is open to works (stories, reports, series of reports, photographs) produced in the State of Tocantins and aired between January 25th, 2023 and October 9th, 2023, in any city in the State of Tocantins or nationally.
The content of the work must have as its theme the actions in defense of the construction of social justice, the promotion of human rights, and the improvement of the judicial provision, in the scope of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, within the following perspectives:
- Citizen Access to the Judiciary and Defense of Democracy;
- Defense of Human Rights and Freedom of Expression;
- Fighting Misappropriation of Public Resources and Corruption;
- Ensuring Transparency of Information of Public Interest and Data Security;
- Access to Justice and Effectiveness of Judicial Decisions;
- Environmental, Agrarian and Land Issues, Promoting Sustainability, and Securing the Rights of Nature;
- Solutions to Improve Judicial Provision.
The work with the best score among all the works entered in its respective category will be awarded. The Judiciary of the State of Tocantins will award certificates and cash prizes (in Brazilian currency) to the winners in each category, in net values.
The participants can compete in six categories, five of which are for journalism professionals, and one for Social Communication students. They are as follows: Telejournalism, Webjournalism, Radiojournalism, Photojournalism, Print Journalism, and Academic.
Learn more about the rules of the Award, clicking here.
Click here and check the Notice Nº 81 / 2023 rectified.
Attachments - Evaluation Items
Summary of Work Form (ANNEX I)
Authorship Authorization (ANNEX II)
Authorship Statement (ANNEX III)
Declaration of Inexistence of Facts that Prevent Habilitation (ANNEX IV)
Declaration of Regularity (ANNEX V)
Authorization for Use of Works and Assigment of Rights (ANNEX VI)