II Seminar of socio-environmental management with the waters of tocantins theme discusses state water management

Aiming to discuss water and socio-environmental management in the State of Tocantins, the Judiciary, through the Sustainable TO Network, in partnership with the Superior School of the Judge of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) began on Monday (6th), the II Seminar on Socio-environmental Management. This year, the theme of the debates is Waters of Tocantins.

At the opening of the event, Justice Angela Prudente, president of the Managing Committee of the Sustainable Logistic Plan of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (CGPLS/PJTO), stressed the importance of the environmental education in the consolidation of a culture of preservation of water sources with a view to the environmental preservation and sustainability. "Besides fostering the debate about water resources and a balanced environment, this is a unique opportunity to disseminate good practices and exchange experiences between partner agencies and institutions, an instrument that reverberates in social and environmental responsibility," he said.  

In his speech, Dr. Roniclay Alves de Morais, Assistant Jjudge of the General Justice Affairs Office, stressed the importance of the participation of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins in the mediation of environmental conflicts. "We know that the Judiciary is not only a judging body, and the proof of this are these initiatives of the Court, being concerned with these themes involving socio-environmental issues", he explained.

On the occasion, Mr. Francisco José Pinheiro Brande Junior, Regional Environmental Prosecutor of the Upper and Middle Araguaia-TO basin, commented on the importance of the event for the state, "it is with a great pride that the State Prosecutor's Office participates in this event promoted by Esmat and that brings a whole meaning to our state, just in the proximity of the environment week, I see here Judges committed to environmental issues in the State of Tocantins, especially in this new period that marks the great changes that the state has experienced in the environmental field," he added.

In her speech, Miyuki Hyashida, Secretary of the Environment and Water Resources of the State of Tocantins, thanked and congratulated everyone present and, in her speech, highlighted the importance of water, "I was asked to talk about water, and I want to say that for all living beings it is an extremely important asset, but that it is finite. So we must take care of it with a great care, respect, and sustainability, because we know that if we preserve it, we will have it in the future. The State Government placed within the Secretariat, the Water Resources Board, which does all this monitoring, this control with several hydro-meteorological units along the rivers and basins", she contextualized.

On the first day, the event was attended by the lecturers Aldo Araújo de Azevedo, Master in Water Resources Management, from the Federal University of the city of Viçosa (UFV/MG); Adriano Prysthon, Master in Fishing Resources, from UFRPE; and Luís Henrique Fróes Michelin, Master in Sanitary Defense.

With an 8-hour duration, the Seminar will end this Tuesday (June 7th), and will be held in a hybrid manner, in person at the Auditorium of the Court of Justice, and online through the Esmat Portal and the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

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