Judiciary closes program of the ii seminar of socio-environmental management

The dialectical question of the use of the water resources of Tocantins, whether in food production or in fish production, taking advantage of the tanks of the State, but also the advance of native vegetation deforestation were the approaches exposed on the second day of the II Seminar of Socio-environmental Management. Promoted by the Judiciary, through the Sustainable TO Network, in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), this year the theme of the debates is Waters of Tocantins.

The first lecture "Embrapa's Performance in Fish Production in Federal Tanks of the State of Tocantins" was given by Dr. Flávia Tavares de Matos, with Mr. Murilo Ribeiro Brito, manager of SES-TO, and the auditor Ikaro Peres Cunha, from TCE-TO, as the table coordinators.

 The second lecture, "Ten Years of the Forest Code Deforestation in the State of Tocantins", given by the Prosecutor Francisco José Pinheiro Brandes Júnior, from the Regional Environmental Prosecutor's Office of the Upper and Middle Araguaia Basin, had as coordinator the Professor Moisés de Souza Arantes Neto. With notes on the process of deforestation of native vegetation for agriculture, the Prosecutor recalled the environmental liabilities and social conflicts resulting from the expansion of the productive area in the State of Tocantins. "We can tell from our studies that there is a direct correlation between deforestation, increase of planted area, and depletion of natural resources. And the worst thing is that the communities that are most vulnerable, the indigenous communities, are the ones that suffer the most from all this reality. They are the ones who have no voice. They are the ones who end up being impacted by this environmental damage", he stated.

The II Seminar on Socio-environmental Management was attended by about 200 participants who watched the debates through Esmat's page on the YouTube platform or in person at the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

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