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The way in which a State treats its accused and defendants, surrounding the criminal proceedings with guarantees, and the very formation of the Judge's will about the acquittal or conviction thereof, constitutes a valuable instrument to determine whether we are facing a True Rule of Law. The institutional guarantees related to the IMPARTIALITY of the Judge impose a radical separation between the jurisdictional body that instructs and the one that is called to judge. This separation tries to confront the possible CONTAMINATION of the Judge who has issued precautionary measures against the defendant and then may have to face his own responsibility in the face of a shortage of evidence that would have him to absolve the accused (s) who entered, for example, in prison. But, if the norm that obliges the Judge to maintain his IMPARTIALITY is basic and fundamental, on the other hand, the same can not be said of a hypothetical norm that obliged judges to maintain their NEUTRALITY, which would be impossible to comply with. Regarding the institutional guarantees related to the proof of charge, it is the shared responsibility of the legislator and the judges to ensure that the concepts of SUFFICIENT PROOF, VALID TEST and TEST PROOF, are applied with a content that satisfies the inmate's right to public of all the pertinent and relevant evidence for the defense, and that the injurious test of the fundamental rights -not only the right to fair trial, but also, fundamentally, the right to privacy- respond to a rational scheme, which until today , has been integrated with the components of the construction of the FRUITS OF THE POISONED TREE.
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