ESMAT Magazine becomes the call public for ARTICLES PUBICATION in 2019
 Dear Sirs, ESMAT Magazine becomes the call public for ARTICLES PUBLICATION in 2019. The received articles until April, 15th will be forwarded for evaluation of the 17th edition and the others to posterior editions. The Magazine of the School of Judges of Tocantins is currently on its sixteenth edition, being linked, since 2016, to the Master Program in Judicial Assistance and Human Rights, from Federal University of Tocantins. It is classified as B4 in Qualis CAPE, with a biannual publication of articles in the Interdisciplinary, Law and Human Sciences areas. The articles must be sent by the magazine page on internet or to the e-mail, with a copy to The publication rules in the Periodic are on this link: The authors will receive 2 (two) copies of the printed publication in the informed address. Prof. Tarsis Barreto, Scientific Editor, ESMAT Magazine