12th Online Esmat Magazine Edition – Scientific Editor of the Magazine speaks about its importance
The 12th Esmat Magazine Edition is available online for all the interested. That is a scientific periodic of the Law area, edited by the own School. The first edition was published in 2009, and, since 2013, the periodicity is biannual, and in 2016, the Magazine was linked to the Master Program in Judicial Assistance and Human Rights, from Federal University of Tocantins, together with the School of Judges of Tocantins.   "The continuous search for the periodic improvement and the compliance of the Capes goals enabled the Magazine framework in the stratum B4 of Qualis. However, the School aims to leverage even more the quality and the publications quality”, emphasized Tarsis Barreto, scientific director. In a conversation with the School assistance, the Magazine scientific editor, professor doctor Tarsis Barreto details the procedures and the importance of that publication. Esmat Ascom – What is the Magazine proposal? Editor – The proposal is to embody itself in an advanced vehicle of knowledge diffusion in the judicial area and its necessary dialogue with the several knowledge areas, being currently, an established vehicle of production and science and judicial culture of Tocantins diffusion, reflecting on significant intelectual productions of Judicial members, as well as Judicial Science scholars and general scientific community.  Esmat Ascom – What is the importance of that publication for the Judiciary Power of Tocantins?  Editor – It is of a huge importance, since, by the Magazine, it is engendered the possibility of the best scientific articles promotion in the scope of the Judiciary in Tocantins, besides the opportunity of scientific works capture coming from several states of the Federation.   Esmat Ascom – Does the Magazine open a space to articles from the external public? Yes, that is, indeed, one of the main goals of the Magazine: the external articles capture, in order to the achievement of the expansion goals of the Magazine Qualis stratum, in accordance with the standards and Capes normatives for scientific periodics. Esmat Ascom – What is the importance of publishing an article in Esmat Magazine? Editor – The articles in scientific periodics enables, in the first place, a privileged space of the scientific work promotion, since the Magazine copies, besides publisized in virtual format on the periodic page, they are sent to several agencies and institutes, as an example of Schools of Judges, universities, as well as several public and private institutions around the country, and even abroad. Esmat Ascom – How is it done the articles selection? Editor – The flow for articles capture is continuous. Thus, the articles can be sent at any moment to the e-mail: revistaesmat@tjto.jus.br, as well as to the electronic address: http://esmat.tjto.jus.br/publicacoes/index.php/revista_esmat/index. Next, the articles are sent to registered refeeres analysis aroun the country. Ascom Esmat – Are there any criteria for an article being approved? Editor – To be approved, an article needs to satisfy the minnimum requirements for the publication in the Magazine, which specifications can be found on the periodic site, on the link guidelines for authors. After previous analysis by the Editorial Commission, the articles are submitted, by the double blind review system to two external evaluators, that will emit a favourable or unfavourable opinion about the publication. About that, it is emphasized that this adopted standard follows the rigor of any scientific periodic, whether about Law or other areas. Esmat Ascom – That is the 12th Edition, what is the major challenge over those productions? Editor – The major challenge for any scientific periodic is the compliment of the traced goals by Capes for scientific Magazines, above all the search of qualified refeeres, what requires strategic management and a continuous goals setting, as well as the capture of external articles, attended the necessary goals of exogeny for the periodic.