Esmat Magazine is now classified in Qualis B4 stratum
In this first half of the year, Esmat Magazine has reached important achievements as the framework in Qualis B4 stratum. The rating is used to evaluate the scientific productions of the Stricto Sensu Post Graduation programs, and Qualis system contributes to assess the articles and the scientific magazines quality. The Magazine, linked to the Master Program in Judicial Assistance and Human Rights since 2016, is indexed in many database, like one from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), important international source that will contribute a lot to the periodic visibility. The Magazine objectives to be  a motivating instrument for the diffusion of the produced knowledge by the magistrates, students, professors, servers, lawyers, Service Prosection and other members of the judicial community, in other words, a vehicle for the continuous improvement of the discussions about the Law, in order to stimulate the academic and scientific debate. The biannual publication receives unprecedented scientific contributions, in the Law and interdisciplinary areas, guidind itself by a critical vision about the theme, both in a national and an international context. According to Graziele Coelho, Magazine executive editor  "that is, with no doubt, a huge conquest for Esmat. It is part of the periodic growth and of the constant search for the publications excellence”. To know the publications rules, click here.