ESMAT Magazine becomes the call public for expansion of its Referees staff
ESMAT Magazine becomes the call public for expansion of its Referees staff. The periodic is linked to the Master Program in Judicial Assistance and Human Rights at Federal University of Tocantins, in concert with the School of Judges of Tocantins. ESMAT Magazine is evaluated in the stratum B4 by CAPES, with biannual articles in the areas of Law, Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences. The articles evaluation is done by the double blind peer review system. The academy representatives and/or professionals beares of Master or Doctor title can actuate as Referees of the Magazine, being enough sending an e-mail to, with a copy to, informing: 1. Name: 2. Titration: 3. Academic and/or professional bond: 4. Interest areas for evaluation: 5. Curriculum lattes link: 6. Telephone and e-mail: The action as a Referee is free. As a retribution, it will be supplied, besides Declaration, 2 (two) free copies of the Magazine. Your participation will be of a very important for our Magazine.