Pós- GraduaçõesPós- Graduações da Escola Superior da Magistratura Tocantinense

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) held on the morning of Tuesday (25th), the certification ceremony of 33 new specialists of the class of Lato Sensu Post-Graduation in Theory and Practice of Private Law. Due to the health restrictions of the pandemic, the program's activities in its final stage occurred remotely, through communication platforms, as well as the post-graduation defense panels. The certification ceremony also took place virtually.

At the ceremony's opening, Judge João Rigo Guimarães, president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), emphasized the importance of Esmat in the training of employees and magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. "Esmat has always been in the vanguard. I am very honored to see this School forming law operators. I congratulate all the people who are receiving their titles and I feel honored to be here in this ceremony", he said. Magistrate Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, vice-president of TJTO, remembered the honor of participating in the graduation of a Post-Graduation class. "It is an honor to be able to accompany this very important moment for the Judiciary. The work Esmat has been doing is of utmost importance for the improvement of our staff and the judicial provision, all directed towards a better application of justice", he recalled.

In his speech, Judge Marco Villas Boas, Esmat's General Director, thanked the Course's Coordination and recalled the School's efforts to assemble an academic staff for the Post-Graduation. "We brought the best exponents of private law from Lisbon University to join our best exponents of private law from the state of Tocantins, from Esmat and from the Federal University of Tocantins, in order to give a very high quality teaching, understanding of this law that is the root of all rights in the western world. Western civilization was built on private law", he argued.

The judge emphasized the commitment of Esmat's technical and academic staff, which has already granted nearly 2,000 post-graduate certificates. "It is an enviable number and I believe that no other Superior School of the Judges has reached part of this goal. Each man and woman who specializes at the School is in the context of society improving people's lives. As our teaching is done by professionals, the return for the community in general is the offering of projects to improve institutions or the life of society", he emphasized.

The Judge José Eustáquio de Melo, general coordinator of the course, recalled the difficulty in the maintenance of the classes that faced the beginning of the pandemic and still interfere in the learning process. "I see in you the potential to continue in research, in the master's degree, and in the doctorate. Cheer up, because we have other challenges for you. The pandemic and the situation in Brazil regarding vaccination suggest new reflections", he recalled. The course tutor, Glacielle Borges Torquato, thanked Esmat, responsible for her academic growth in Post Lato Sensu, Master's and, now, PhD. "A large part of my academic career was consolidated in the School of the Judges, and this is a source of great pride for me," she stressed.

The TJTO employee Marina Correa Coelho, class speaker, representing the new postgraduates, remembered the challenges imposed by the pandemic in the academic environment. "In the midst of so much difficult news, so many other rebirths, we had new opportunities to write a different story. To my dear fellow graduate students, feel embraced," she said.

The Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Theory and Practice of Private Law aims to train Judges and public servers, offering a post-positivist approach to the interpretation of the Law of Private Relations, in order to foster a humanized and repersonalized legal construction, whose teaching is in tune with the proposal to combine theoretical and practical knowledge.

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