Notice for the selection of regular students in the professional and interdisciplinary master's degree in judicial performance and human rights is in the final stages of preparation

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) informs that the Notice for the selection of regular students for class XI of the Professional and Interdisciplinary Master in Judicial Provision and Human Rights will be published soon. Those interested in participating in the selection process should stay tuned to the communication channels of Esmat to find out when the announcement will be made.

This year, 30 places will be available, divided among Judges and public servers from the Court of Justice (TJTO), the State Prosecution (MPTO), the Electoral Regional Court of the State of Tocantins (TRE-TO), the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), and the community in general. Classes are expected to start in August of this year.


The course coordination suggests that those interested update their Lattes résumés and start producing their research projects, which must be in accordance with the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT) in effect. The research project must be pertinent to the institutional interests and have the perspective of having an impact on improving the services provided to the population. It is important to follow all the steps and formats required for the project to be accepted.

The research project is qualifying and eliminating. Those interested in participating in the selection process can check the previous announcements to find out what is required in the research project.

If you have specific questions about the process, please do not hesitate to contact the Master's secretariat. It is available to answer any questions by phone (63 3218-4247) or e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

About the program

The course, pioneer among the professional master's degrees in Human Rights in the State of Tocantins, has the specificity of enabling a deeper understanding of ways to fight human rights violations and ways to improve the services provided to society.

Research Lines

1: Effectiveness of Judicial Decisions and Human Rights - this line is destined for research that approaches the interrelation between effectiveness of judicial decisions and Human Rights, seeking to explore the ways of improving the effectiveness of judicial decisions in the light of contemporary Human Rights theory. Demarcating the thematic territory, this line intends to articulate legal practice with the transforming action of the conditions of Brazilian citizenship.

2: Jurisdictional Instruments, Access to Justice and Human Rights - this line of research intends to anchor its studies and research to the question of jurisdiction widely considered, in view of the need to develop theoretical mechanisms to deepen and improve it within a grammar of collective, diffuse and transindividual fundamental rights. It is intended, through this line, to intensify the interdisciplinary theoretical discussion about access to justice, especially according to the starting point that its realization is beyond the normative dimension, as a simple empirical analysis indicates.

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