Indigenous Peoples International Day

Today (August 9th) we celebrate the Indigenous Peoples International Day, a date that recognizes the importance of the history and the struggle for the rights of the indigenous and original peoples. This date is remembered periodically in reference to the day of the first meeting of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations in 1995. Since then, this occasion has served as a reminder that we must honor and attend to the cultures, languages and customs of these peoples that so enrich our diversity.

Tocantins is home to eight indigenous ethnic groups: Karajá, Xambioá, Javaé, Xerente, Krahô, Krahô Kanela, Apinajé and Avá Canoeiros. They are the guardians of ancestral lands, of traditions that cross generations and of the deep connection with nature. 

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) joins this celebration, reaffirming our commitment to promoting a fair society and aware of the importance of preserving the traditions and rights of indigenous peoples.

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