The auditorium of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) was the stage, this Friday (August 4th), of the XVIII Edition of the International Seminar of the ACI Dialogue Research Group - International Constitutional Environmental Dialogue. Through enriching dialogues, the event brought to light legal discussions related to the environment and administrative simplification.
The opening of the Seminar was attended by Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat, who highlighted the importance of the Research Group and the relevance of the topics addressed. The Justice stressed the need to unite debureaucratization and innovation to improve public services in an increasingly digitized scenario.
I am sure that in these dialogues we will have several aspects addressed on the subject that will allow us to reconcile well the debureaucratization, the coexistence in the digital plan with the use of digital mechanisms, to progress socioeconomically with the necessary environmental care and so that people can be happier in their daily lives, he commented.
Justice Angela Issa Haonat, Deputy Director of Esmat, was also part of the opening ceremony. In her speech, she emphasized the importance of discussing diverse topics and promoting dialogue between Brazilian and foreign researchers. Also during the opening, Professor Bleine Queiroz Caúla, creator and coordinator of the Seminar, thanked the opportunity to participate in the Event and highlighted the support of Capes for the initiative. The professor reinforced the relevance of the Seminar as one of the means to strengthen the culture of environmental protection.
The opening was also marked by moments of homage. Justice Marco awarded the ESMAT Medallion to Mr. Luciano Vieira de Araújo, in recognition of his contribution to the construction of knowledge, encouragement of good practices and academic dedication to scientific research and the improvement of judicial provision.

In addition, the Medal of Academic Merit "Dr. Feliciano Machado Braga" was awarded. Feliciano Machado Braga" to Ana Carla Bliacheriene for her services in the study and practical application of knowledge in democracy and institutions: "smart citie, smart citizen and smart management"; to Bleine Queiroz Caúla for the idealization and coordination of the International Seminar on "Environmental, Constitutional, International Dialogue"; and to Justice Angela Issa Haonat for the relevant services provided to Esmat and the State Judiciary, and for her contribution to the improvement of judicial provision and human rights.
Panel 1 – Environmental
The first panel addressed crucial themes related to technology, environment and public policies. Speaker Ana Carla Bliacheriene, a researcher at the University of the State of São Paulo (USP), focused on the importance of emerging technologies, especially Generative AI, in the context of a government that seeks to be more environmentally aware. She emphasized the potential of AI to analyze and process large volumes of data, providing valuable information for the development of sustainable and effective policies.
Paula Santos Vieira, a master's student in International Relations at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), brought an important approach on the impact of climate on refugee migration. The lecture by Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Researcher, Pedagogue and Lawyer at the University of the city of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), presented, through a legal analysis of the economy, important reflections on the energy (in)sustainability of the electric car industry and the need for adequate reverse logistics for the responsible disposal of batteries.
Panel 2 – Constitutional
The second panel of the Seminar highlighted constitutional and technological issues, the speakers brought thoughts on economic sustainability, algorithmic power, the influence of digital influencers in the legal world and the protection of artificial intelligence law. The mediation was carried out by Professor Dayane Nayara Silva Calaço, from Uninassau.
The panel on "Economic and financial sustainability of urban cleaning and solid waste management services" was presented by Dr. Aurélio Picanço, from the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT). Rodrigo Martiniano, Attorney of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Ceará, pointed out the power of algorithms and the potential risks to the integrity of democracy.
Dayse Braga Martins, researcher at the University of the city of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), brought an interesting debate on the role of digital influencers in the legal scenario. The speaker discussed the limits and possibilities of action of members of the Law in the dissemination of legal knowledge and emphasized the importance of considering ethical and professional issues in this digital context.
Hian Colaço, from the Court of Justice of the State of Ceará, closed the panel with an approach on the protection of artificial intelligence law as a diffuse right and the protection instruments necessary to ensure its ethical and responsible application.

Panel 3 - Environmental, Constitutional, International
Mediated by Valter Moura, the last panel had the participation of specialists, who addressed issues on sustainability, tax incentives and the role of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) in the construction of Brazilian legal education.
The first lecture of the panel was presented by Dayane Nayara Silva Colaço, from Uninassau, who discussed the concept of ESG and tax incentives as sustainable practices in the fashion industry. The lawyer Kellen Pedreira brought to the debate the theme of the Brazilian Ecological ICMS and made a comparative study with the ecological fiscal transfers between Brazil and Portugal, with a special focus on the State of Tocantins.
The last lecture of the panel and the Event was given by Ana Paula Araújo de Holanda, Federal Counselor of the OAB and researcher at the University of the city of Fortaleza (UNIFOR). The speaker talked about the role of the OAB in the construction of Brazilian legal education and the challenges for the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5).

CNPQ research group ACI Dialogue: Hybrid presentation of scientific article
In the afternoon, four working groups were held, in which scientific papers were presented in hybrid form, based on the themes discussed during the panels.
About the Seminar
The XVIII International Seminar of the Research Group ACI Dialogue - International Constitutional Environmental Dialogue -, with the theme on "Administrative simplification and environmental protection", is a realization of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) in partnership with the Universities of Coimbra and Salamanca.
The event is an academic and scientific action that brings together researchers, students and professionals in the field of law, especially those interested in the study that aim to promote discussions and exchanges of experiences on legal issues related to the environment, addressing both the national and international scope.