Aiming to provide specific internship positions for indigenous people and quilombolas in the State of Tocantins, the Public Defender’s Office of the State of Tocantins (DPE-TO) met today, 5th, with representatives of the Public Defender’s Office of the Union, the State Secretariat for Indigenous Peoples (Sepot) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) to discuss the implementation of the partnership.
Making the Public Defender’s Office of the State of Tocantins available, the 2nd general-public sub-defender of the State of Tocantins, Danilo Frasseto Michelini, said that the idea is to hire indigenous and quilombola university students from the Law, Social Work, Psychology, and Law courses to work as interns in the DPE-TO and DPU, as well as to take courses certified by partner agencies.
The Secretary of Sepot, Narubia Werreria Karajá, pointed out that the project aims to implement the state policy of protection of the native and traditional peoples and maintains exchange and cooperation with public or private, national or international entities and institutions, aiming at the recognition, defense, promotion, and dissemination of cultures and rights of the native and traditional peoples.
Ten trainees will be selected to work in the Specialized Centers of the Public Defender’s Office in the capital and interior of the State of Tocantins, especially in the Center of the Agrarian Public Defender’s Office (DPagra), Centers for Minorities and Collective Actions (Nuamacs) and Centers for the Fight Against Racism and Ethnic-Racial Discrimination (Nucora).
The Project will also be carried out in partnership with universities, especially public ones, so that the Rectories carry out internal articulation and dissemination work to the target audience.
After being hired, the students will receive training through Esmat, with courses on racial literacy and preparatory workshops on how the justice system works.
The first Deputy Director of Esmat, Judge José Ribamar Mendes Junior, also put the School at the disposal of the project and emphasized that the initiative includes the nuances related to the judicial system, with a view to promoting the expansion of access to justice and the exercise of citizenship by native and traditional peoples.
The inclusion of trainees in the justice system is part of the Project of Sepot, Access to Justice Network for Traditional and Original Peoples of the State of Tocantins (Rejusto), which has the Public Defender’s Office as a partner.
The project proposes the access to justice for indigenous and quilombola communities, both through the awareness of their rights and duties in the full exercise of citizenship, and through the opportunity for better service by the organs and entities that make up the justice system, whose servers will receive racial literacy to better understand the reality of the original and traditional peoples in their cultural plurality, thus respecting the principles of efficiency and human dignity.