Partial Announcement Of The Approved Applications For The First Class Of The Doctorate In Judicial Provision And Human Rights

The Federal University of the state of Tocantins (UFT), through the Office of the Dean of Research and Post Graduate Studies (Propesq), announced on Wednesday (February 19th) the partial list of the approved applications for the first class of the Professional and Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPGPJDH).

Check out the Notice no. 040 of 2025, clicking here.

The publication complies with the provisions of the Notice No. 032, of 2024, and its rectification by the Notice No. 034, of 2024, which governs the selection process for regular students in the 2025-2028 class.

For candidates whose registration was not approved, the notice provides for a period for lodging appeals, which will take place on February 19th and 20th, through the Competitions Management System of Esmat (SGC).

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