Candidates For The Professional And Interdisciplinary Master's Degree In Judicial Provision And Human Rights Are Called For Interviews; See The List Of Approved Applications

The Federal University of the state of Tocantins (UFT), through the Office of the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (PROPESQ), published, on Friday (February 14th), notices No. 038, 2025, and No. 039, 2025, referring to the selection process for the 13th class of the Professional and Interdisciplinary Master's Degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPGPJDH).

The documents list the applications that have been approved following the judgment of appeals and the call for candidates for the interview phase.

Call for interviews 

Notice No. 039 of 2025 establishes the interview schedule for the candidates approved in the initial phase of the selection process. The interviews will be held remotely from February 17th to 20th, using the Google MEET platform.

Candidates should pay attention to the specific times and access LINK provided in the notice. The interviews will be conducted by a panel made up of three PhD professors from the program, who will be responsible for assessing the projects of the candidates.

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