Esmat announces the result of the selection process for tutor in the course People Management and Leadership course - Class II

The School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) announced the final result of the tutor selection process for the People Management and Leadership course - Class II - which takes place between November 10th and 25th, 2020, in the distance learning mode.

Among the functions performed by the tutor are to monitor, evaluate and guide students in all activities of the People Management and Leadership course - Class II - via Virtual Learning Environment and WhatsApp Esmat Group; to have a computer and internet at home, to attend the student, via Esmat AVA; To accompany and assist in the theoretical-methodological development of the course; to accompany and assist in the didactic-pedagogical activities (interactivity and evaluation) of the course; to assist the Coordination and the professor in the preparation of the activities of interaction and evaluation of the students.

In accordance with the requirements of Announcement No. 406, of 2020, regarding the selection process, the one selected was AMANDA EMILENE ARRUDA, and for the reserve registration MARCELA SANTA CRUZ MELO.

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