Justice Court launches a selection process for Program of Voluntary Adhesion to Telework to servers of the Judiciary in Tocantins

With the proposal to promote the selection of servers that work in 1st and 2nd Instances, to participate in the Program of Voluntary Adhesion to Telework, the Justice Court conducts, from this Monday 16th until November 22nd, the selection process with access to the preparatory course for Telework, which will be held through the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT).

According to the Announcement, the course takes place between December 10th and 11th for the first class, and January 14th and 15th, 2021 for the second class, in the face-to-face mode, at Esmat in Palmas, and are being offered 60 places, 30 for each class. To participate in the selection process, the servers must choose among the following profiles:

  • First Instance Servers;
  • Second Instance Servers;
  • Servers that are in the Process of Telework Development;
  • Priorities provided for in Article 7 of Resolution No. 20 from June 24th, 2020.

The candidate can only choose one of the profiles and one of the two forms. Applications from the same candidate in both forms will not be accepted, nor in more than one profile. If the same candidate is registered in both forms, the first registration will be considered (chronological order of the electronic registration on the Esmat portal).

Also according to the Announcement, the interested server needs to meet the other technological prerequisites for the perfect execution of their work activities remotely, in home office. The Call for Proposals emphasizes that the servers interested in performing telework that, regardless of the imposition of remote work by Covid-19, are already in telework must participate in the selection process Program of Voluntary Adhesion to Telework with access to the preparatory course for telework, under penalty of immediate return to their activities in the face-to-face mode.

To access the Notice, click here

To access the ANNEX - Server Requirement - click here

To register in Class I - (December 10th and 11th, 2020)

Click here, for First Instance Servers.

Click here, for Second Instance Servers.

Click here, for Servers that are in Process of Development of Telework.

Click here, for Servers with Priorities provided in Article 7 of Resolution No. 20 from June 24th, 2020.

To register in Class II - (January 14th and 15th, 2021)

Click here, for First Instance Servers.

Click here, for Second Instance Servers.

Click here, for Servers that are in Process of Telework Development.

Click here, for Servers with Priorities provided in Article 7 of Resolution No. 20 from June 24th, 2020.

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