Seminar Will Discuss The Impact And Challenges Of The Pact For The Early Childhood

On August 29th and 30th, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the Superior Labor Court (TST) and the Superior School of the Public Prosecution of the Union (ESMPU) held the 5-year Commemorative Seminar of the National Pact for the Early Childhood: Advances and Challenges. The event will be held in partnership with signatories of the Pact. Interested people can follow the seminar in person or virtual, through the CNJ and TST YouTube channels.  

Sign up for the seminar.

The event will present relevant advances since the signing of the Pact and renew the commitment for the next five years with the aim of fulfilling the rule of absolute priority determined in the Federal Constitution, the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent and the Legal Mark for the Early Childhood.

The activities will involve round tables, exhibitions and thematic workshops, all highlighting the role of children in the early childhood. The opening of the seminar will be attended by the President of the CNJ and the Supreme Court (STF), Minister Luís Roberto Barroso.

national agreement   

The National Pact for the Early Childhood currently has more than 350 signatories from the three branches of the government at all levels of the Federation, civil society, international organizations, universities and the business sector that, on this occasion, they will be able to share the advances and challenges in the trajectory of these five years.   

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