This Friday (July 4th), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) opens registrations for the First State Meeting of Extrajudicial Registrars and Notaries and the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the State of Tocantins (CGJUS). With the theme on "Dialogue and Integration", the event will be held on August 14th and 15th, in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).
Three hundred and twenty vacancies will be available for permanent Chiefs of Justice of the courts of the State of Tocantins, civil servers of the General Internal Affairs of Justice, civil servers of the Judiciary interested in the subject, court secretaries, registrars and notaries of the State of Tocantins, and agents of extrajudicial registries.
Registrations will be available until August 5th and they can be made through clicking here.
According to the Assistant Judge of the CGJUS, Esmar Custódio Vêncio Filho, coordinator of the event, the main objective of the initiative "is to establish an annual event involving notaries and registrars, together with the General Internal Affairs of Justice, to develop a joint action in the evolution of extrajudicial work. This work has long stopped being exclusively correctional and it has become a partnership and collaboration, always in favor of the user," he explained.
The event aims to promote the strengthening, training and integration of registrars and notaries in the State of Tocantins, in conjunction with the General Internal Affairs of Justice. It aims to standardize procedures, update professionals, adopt technological innovations and continuously improve notary and registration services, contributing to efficiency, transparency and legal certainty in the provision of services to society.
For more information on the programming of the event, including times, location, lecturers and other authorities, click here.