Judges and civil servers of the Judiciary will gather at the Seminar on Training and Improvement of Civil Servers of the Judiciary, which will take place on June 13th in the auditorium of the National Council of Justice (CNJ). The event is aimed at those who work in the training and development of people and it will feature presentations of panels, lectures and good practices on topics such as training of trainers; hybrid education; development of skills, among others.
The opening ceremony is scheduled for 9 a.m. and it will be attended by the General Secretary of the CNJ, Judge Adriana Cruz; the Secretary of Strategy and Projects (SEP), Judge Gabriel Matos; the assistant Judges of the Presidency of the CNJ Wanessa Mendes de Araújo and Rebeca de Mendonça Lima, as well as the Director of the Center for Training and Improvement of Servers of the Judiciary (Ceajud), Diogo Albuquerque Ferreira.
The mission of Ceajud is to coordinate and promote, in partnership with the courts, corporate education and the development of the skills needed to improve civil servers in order to achieve the strategic objectives of the Judiciary.
Adherence to the Work Plan for Technical Cooperation Agreements (ACT) will be the theme of the first panel of the day, with a panel formed by the General Director of the CNJ, Johaness Eck; the Supervisor of Education and Technical-Administrative Development of the Superior Court of Labor (TST), Simone Martinazzo; the instructor at the Corporate School of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) Mariana Camargo and the coordinator of Education and Development (COEDE) of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), Ana Claudia Chagas Estellita Lins.
There will be a lecture on the Training of Servers of the CNJ, given by the Supervisor of Ceajud, the assistant Judge of the Presidency Wanessa Mendes de Araújo and by the Director of the Center, Diogo Ferreira. In the panel on Pedagogical Planning and Training of Trainers, TRT-10 server João Batista Português Júnior will mediate the lectures by Emmily Flugel Mathias Maia (TJDFT) on Pedagogical Planning and Skills Development and by Marizete Silva Oliveira (Enfam), on Training of Trainers as a strategy for multiplying knowledge.
The panel on Innovation and Technology in the Training of Civil Servers will be mediated by Rebeca Mendonça Lima, an assistant Judge to the President of the CNJ. José Erigleidson da Silva (TRT-2) will speak about the hybridization of education in the public service, within the scope of the Court of Labor, and Mauro Saraiva Barros Lima (TJAM) will address the training of civil servers to manage virtual and hybrid teams.
The panel on Schools for Employees of the Judicial Branch will include representatives from the Federal Justice Council (CJF) and the Superior Council of Labor Justice (CSJT). The last panel, on the Training of Civil Server at the Federal Government Schools, will feature representatives from the National School of Public Administration (ENAP); the Brazilian Legislative Institute (ILB/Senate) and the Superior School of the Public Prosecution (ESMPU).
The closing lecture will address the training of civil servers and the inclusion of people with disabilities. The content will be given by Luísa de Souza Leão Almeida (TRT-8). The event is scheduled to end at 6pm.
Created by the Resolution of the CNJ No. 111 of April 6th, 2010, Ceajud promotes training, courses and seminars, as well as identifying the training instruments needed to develop the functional skills of the civil servers of the Judiciary, and it offers courses and training to the public in its open course cycles.
To take part in the seminar, you must SIGN UP by June 12th. The event will be hybrid and it will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the CNJ.