The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) invites Judges, civil servers and the community in general to participate in the Seminar on Special Courts: Consumer Rights, Civil Liability, Perspectives and Challenges, which will take place on June 3rd in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).
Register clicking here.
The event aims to promote understanding of special courts, offering an overview of the role of special courts in the Brazilian judicial system, highlighting their purpose, procedures and importance for resolving conflicts related to consumer law and civil liability.
For more information on the speakers and authorities involved in the seminar programming, click here.
National Special Courts Week
The initiative is part of the National Special Courts Week programming, a campaign coordinated by the National Council of Justice through the National Committee of Special Courts (CONAJE), scheduled to take place from June 3rd to 7th this year.
The National Special Courts Week, established by the Ordinance No. 972, published in the Diary of Justice on April 15th, aims to value, give visibility to and improve the special courts. During this period, courts and councils will look specifically at the special courts system, exploring horizontal organizational models, broad participation of the people involved in the judicial and administrative units, dialogue with special courts actors, major litigants and civil society, interaction between branches of justice and innovation.