With Themes Focused On Dialog, Transparency And Innovation, 93rd Encoge And 5th National Land Forum Open At The TJTO

Foto: Rondinelli Ribeiro (TJTO)

The 93rd National Meeting of Chiefs Justice of Brazil (Encoge) and the 5th Meeting of the National Land Forum of the General Internal Affairs of Justice were officially opened on Wednesday evening (April 24th), at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO). With the participation of magistrates from all units of the federation, until Friday (April 26th), the events will discuss themes focused on dialog, transparency, innovation, land governance and sustainable development.

In her speech at the opening ceremony, the President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, emphasized that the meeting seeks, through unity, dialogue and technology, to overcome obstacles in order to maintain the commitment for improving judicial and extrajudicial services.

The proposals identified at each meeting are essential to the strengthening of the General Internal Affairs of Justice and, consequently, the entire Judiciary, for the development of innovative, sensitive, humanized actions that reflect this integration in their different realities and make an excellent contribution to the continuous improvement of our services to citizens, she stressed.

The President of the Permanent College of Chiefs and General Chiefs of Justice of the Courts of Brazil (CCOGE), Justice Jomar Fernandes, Chief Justice of the State of Amazonas, thanked the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins for having embraced the mission of organizing the meeting, with great dedication and commitment. He spoke of the inspiring words of Justice Luis Felipe Salomão, the National Ombudsman, and took the opportunity to congratulate Justice Mauro Campbell Marques, of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) - also from the State of Amazonas - who was nominated on Tuesday to be the next National Ombudsman, after the term of Salomão ends.

Addressing magistrates from all over the country, he emphasized the social aspect of the work of the General Internal Affairs of Justice, citing the engagement of the Judiciary in land regularization processes, the fight against civil under-registration and predatory litigation, among other actions. "Only the union of efforts, ideas and inter-institutional cooperation will allow us to adequately fulfill all our duties," he said.

Improvement of the Justice System

The Chief Justice of the State of Tocantins, Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal, spoke about the importance of Encoge and the Forum for improving the judicial system. "This moment represents a unique opportunity for us to reflect on the challenges and achievements of our work as Ombudsmen, as well as to draw up strategies aimed at further improving the functioning of justice for the benefit of society," she said, emphasizing the great responsibility of Ombudsmen. "We are guardians of ethics, legality and efficiency within the Judiciary," she added.

In a video message, the National Ombudsman, Justice Luis Felipe Salomão, highlighted the projects designed by the National Ombudsman's Office, such as "Register!" - to combat the under-registration of vulnerable populations - and "Safe Ground", aimed at land regularization in the Legal Amazon.

He emphasized the success of the "One Heart: Be Life in Someone's Life" campaign, launched recently and developed in partnership with the extrajudicial registry offices to encourage organ donation and simplify the expression of the wishes of the donor. He also mentioned the "Safe Slum Ground" program, which will be launched on May 30th in the State of São Paulo and will be extended throughout the country. "Our commitment to these campaigns, which bring a very good face to the judiciary, is fundamental," said the Minister. He concluded his message by talking about the consolidation of all the legislation and regulations of the National Ombudsman's Office (extrajudicial and judicial), which will facilitate consultation and quick access.

Present at the event, the Governor of the State of Tocantins, Wanderlei Barbosa, and the Mayor of the city of  Palmas, Cinthia Ribeiro, spoke of their satisfaction at receiving the magistrates from all over the country and wished them a good stay in the State and in the capital of Tocantins.

 Opening Ceremony

The programming opened with the entry of the Chief Justices with the flags of their respective States. Next, the art and culture of the State of Tocantins made its presence felt with the drums, guitars and flag of the Divine Holy Spirit, from the Ferreira Brothers group, made up of 12 revelers. They performed "Divine Revelry" in the Justice Feliciano Machado Braga auditorium.

The event also saw the award of the Medal of Honor for Merit to Décio Antonio Erpen, from the Permanent College of Chiefs and General Chiefs of Justice of the Courts of Brazil.

The honor recognizes public and private authorities who have rendered notable services to the CCOGE, or who have contributed for strengthening, improving and speeding up the provision of justice, as well as the cause of justice.

On that occasion, the General Chiefs of Justice were awarded the medal: Justice Fabianne Breton Baisch (State of Rio Grande do Sul); and Justices Roberto Maynard Frank (State of Bahia); Francisco José dos Anjos Bandeira de Mello (State of Pernambuco); Luiz Antônio Zanini Fornerolli (State of Santa Catarina); and Gilberto Barbosa Batista Dos Santos (State of Rondônia).

Also receiving the honor were the Justice Pilar Célia Tóbio de Claro, Chief of the interior courts of the State of Bahia; the vice-Chief of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Justice Jacqueline Adorno; the vice-President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Justice Ângela Prudente; Justice Eurípedes do Carmo Lamounier (State of Tocantins); and the retired Judge of the TJTO, Célia Regina Régis.

Present Authorities 

National Justice Counselor, Justice José Edivaldo Rocha Rotondano; the Assistant Judge of the Presidency of the CNJ, Justice Luís Geraldo Sant'Ana Lanfredi; the General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), Justice Marco Villas Boas, and President of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy; the Deputy General Attorney of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Marcelo Ulisses Sampaio; the General Public Defender of the State of Tocantins, Estellamaris Postal; the President of the Brazilian Bar Association - Tocantins Section, Gedeon Pitaluga Júnior; the vice-President of the Association of the Brazilian Magistrates (AMB), Judge Julianne Freire Marques; the President of the Association of the Magistrates of the State of Tocantins (Asmeto), Judge Allan Martins; the President of the Brazilian Association of Women in Legal Careers of the State of Tocantins, Gizella Bezerra; the President of the Partnerships of the State of Tocantins, Aleandro Lacerda; as well as magistrates and auxiliary Judges and other authorities.

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