Ejug And Esmat Will Hold Webinar On "200 Years Of Constitutionalization Of Brazil: The Birth Of The Courts"

The Judicial School of the Court of Justice of the State of Goiás (Ejug), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) and the Judicial School Justice Edésio Fernandes (Ejef) invite the legal community to attend the Webinar on "200 years of the Constitutionalization of Brazil: the birth of the courts". The debate will take place on March 25th at 5pm, live on the Zoom platform.

The activity will be attended by Justice Caetano Levi Lopes, from the National School of the Judiciary (ENM), as speaker; Justice Marco Villas Boas, President of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy (Copedem) and General Director of Esmat, as mediator; and debaters Justices Lidivaldo Britto (Unicorp/BA) and Rogério M. Garcia (Ejef/MG).

Registrations can be made at clicking here.

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