Event Closes By Strengthening Reflections On Equality And Diversity

Closing the activities of the First Week of Dialogues on Equality and Diversity, the third and final panel focused on an introduction to the judgment protocol on the gender perspective in Brazilian justice from the point of view of the National Council of Justice (CNJ). The program of this Friday (October 20th) featured three important lectures aimed at strengthening and creating more inclusive and equitable environments.

On the subject of the International Protection of the Human Rights of Women and the Effects on Domestic Law, lawyer and professor at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), Graziela Tavares de Souza Reis, offered some thoughts on power relations in society. 

"When we talk about oppression, we're talking about power relations, and these only happen when someone feels better or more important than the other, so they want to subjugate because they don't recognize the existence of the other, and this comes from our own process of colonization," he explained.

The second lecture was given by Christian Trindade Ribas, a lawyer and president of the Racial Equality Commission of the BAR/TO. Addressing the issue of racial equality in the educational system of the State of Tocantins, the speaker highlighted the importance of promoting dialogues related to equal rights and the value of diversity. 

"These reflections on racial aspects are fundamental for us to better understand the inequities in our justice system," he said.

Finally, Thais Becker Henriques Silveira, an activist and researcher in the field of disability law with a focus on the intersection of gender, gave a presentation on inclusive education: a fundamental, diffuse and unavailable right.

Closing the activities, Thais - who is a woman with a disability - reminded us of the need to continue promoting constructive discussions, respecting and valuing the different voices and experiences of our society. 

"It's very important when we are able to dialog, to understand how the different matrices of oppression are connected and reinforce and feed each other," she said.

Judge Jossaner Nery Nogueira Luna of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, head of the Specialized Court for Combating Violence Against Women and Crimes Against Life of the city of Gurupi, was responsible for mediating the lectures.

The Judge, Renata do Nascimento e Silva, left her testimony about the event: "We ended this event with a feeling of gratitude and at the same time a feeling that we still have a lot to do, don't we? As a justice system. But regardless of how much we have to do, we have to recognize and be grateful for the event we had. It was very valuable, representative and showed that the Judiciary is attentive, up-to-date and willing to talk to society about issues that are so important to us, so relevant and so necessary to be discussed, debated, reflected on, repeated and welcomed," she said.

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