This year, the September 22nd announced not only the arrival of spring, but also a different day in the routine of the members of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, and those arriving for work were surprised to find a popcorn cart in the lobby of the Tocantins River Palace. Amid the sound of corn popping and the delicious smell of hot popcorn, magistrates, civil servers, employees and interns were invited to the auditorium to attend the lecture on "Innovation Applied to the Public Sector".
Given by the entrepreneur and executive director of WeGov, André Tamura, the meeting brought together around 450 people in person and online, with the aim of sensitizing the participants to innovative actions, a constant and active agenda in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins in 2023.
To talk about the relationship of people with innovation and technology, André traced a timeline, from the printing press of Gutemberg to the algorithms of the Chat GPT to help translate legal terms into a plain language. Devices that, according to him, problematize the way society exists and relates to each other. "The more we learn to relate to technology, the more we innovate and put it at our service. So it's interesting to reflect on what has brought us this far, on what is needed today and on the legacy we project for the future," he commented.
The stage of the Dr. Feliciano Machado Braga auditorium was also graced by the presence of graphic artist and visual facilitator Sidan Orafa, who, alongside André Tamura, translated all the content disseminated in the lecture into illustrations. Presenting the final artwork, Sidan reiterated that the road to innovation is paved by walking. "More than finding answers, innovation is about qualifying our questions".
This is the third time the WeGov team has visited the TJTO. This is because in 2023 the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, guided by the Resolution 395 of CNJ, is working on the implementation of "Inovassol". An innovation center that is being prepared to receive problems and propose creative solutions that contribute to the organizational routine of the institution and, consequently, to the services provided to citizens.
The space will act as an incubator for ideas, in a horizontal and multidisciplinary format. Present in the audience, Roniclay Alves de Morais, Assistant Judge to the president and member of the Innovation Laboratory Management Committee of TJTO, stressed that Inovassol will be a space open to all members of the Judiciary. "When our laboratory is up and running, it will be a place for us to sit down, discuss and find solutions collaboratively and without hierarchy. We will build paths with the opinion of everyone involved."
Also at the opening of the event, Justice Ângela Haonat, representing the vice-president of the TJTO and President of Inovassol, Justice Ângela Prudente, reflected on innovation as a legacy for the future. "Today, we represent an ancestry of the future. So it's important to think about the innovative role of each one of us and what we want and will do to make tomorrow better."
Ana Caroline Bezerra was also in the audience. She is 20 years old, studying the 5th period law at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT) and she is currently a trainee at the TJTO. Enthusiastic about the lecture, Ana Caroline looked forward of seeing the laboratory in practice. "It's going to be interesting, not least because of the diversity of culture, identity and generations. By connecting we'll be able to evolve and innovate, without forgetting the past and looking to the future."
The water mirror located in the basement of the Tocantins River Palace will be the physical of Inovassol, an interactive and integrative space. The structural renovations begin next Monday (September 25th) and you can check out the design of the facilities by watching the video below.