Registrations are now open for the lecture on "Innovation Applied to the Public Sector", which aims to promote the construction of a solid, innovation-oriented organizational culture, allowing the participants to actively contribute to the continuous improvement of the judicial services provided, the strengthening of the community trust and the effectiveness of judicial provision. The event will take place on September 22nd, at 1pm, in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).
Register clicking here.
A total of 1,120 vacancies have been made available for this event: 320 for the face-to-face event in the city of Palmas, and 800 remotely via the Virtual Platform of Esmat. The lecture is aimed at magistrates, civil servers, outsourced workers, trainees and other employees of the TJTO; members and civil servers of the State Prosecution, Public Defender's Office of the State of Tocantins, OAB, TRE, Federal Court, Labor Court, State Court of Auditors; students and the community in general.
Obs. Participants registered in the city of Palmas must attend the event in person at the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins to register their attendance.
For more information about the Event, click here.