On August 28th, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) will be promoting the Criminal and Penitentiary Policy Seminar. The aim of the event is to encourage discussions on current issues related to public policies in criminal justice and the penitentiary system.
With the participation of specialist lawyers, magistrates and representatives of various institutions, the Seminar will take place in hybrid form, allowing participation both in person in the auditorium of Esmat and online via the Virtual Platform of the School.
The event is aimed at various audiences that make up the judicial and criminal justice sphere, including magistrates and civil servers of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, civil servers of the Prison System Superintendence of the State of Tocantins, members of the State Prosecution, the State Public Defender's Office, the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) - Tocantins Section - as well as members of the academic community and civil society organizations.
460 vacancies will be available, divided as follows: 160 for face-to-face and 300 for distance learning. Registrations can be made to clicking here.
The event will be opened by the Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Fábio Costa Gonzaga; the Superintendent of the Prison System of the State of Tocantins, Rogério Gomes Miranda; and Public Defender Tessia Gomes Carneiro, representing the Public Defender's Office of the State of Tocantins. The speaker at the seminar will be Doctor Pery Francisco Assis Shikida, from the State University of Western of the State of Paraná (UNIOESTE). For more information on the program and the speakers, click here.