The Coordinator of Socio-environmental Management and Social Responsibility (COGERSA) held on Monday (26th), in the auditorium of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the First Meeting of Socio-environmental Management for Judges and servers of the Judiciary. The event was attended by Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal, Chief of Justice, and Justice Ângela Prudente, Vice President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) and President of the Commission of the Sustainable Logistic Plan (PLS).
Commitment to sustainability
During the Meeting, Justice Ângela Prudente emphasized the importance of the event as a significant mark to recognize the role of magistrates in the sustainable future of society. She emphasized that the sustainability policy is here to stay and there is no room for setbacks, and highlighted the need for the engagement of magistrates and civil servers for the success of sustainable actions. The vice-president also addressed the challenges faced and contextualized the Sustainable Logistic Plan 2021-2023 (PLS) in the context of the Judiciary, highlighting its importance as a strategic tool.
Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal, in turn, commented that the Meeting will provide a great opportunity to discuss the subject, learn about good practices and deepen the understanding about the implementation of the Sustainable Logistic Plan in the districts. She emphasized the support of the General Internal Affairs of Justice, in collaboration with the president, Justice Etelvina, in the search for initiatives that promote sustainability in all actions.
"The General Internal Affairs of Justice (…) will also continue to support the actions. We will do our best so that all the initiatives are also thought of in terms of sustainability. We will work together, dialoguing, improving, to achieve the goals and carry out our work with social and environmental responsibility", she said. On the occasion the "Sustainable District Certificate" was handed out, in recognition to 14 districts that executed sustainability and social responsibility actions between the years 2021 and 2023.
During the morning, the coordinator of Cogersa, Leila Jardim, ministered the workshop on "Sustainable Logistic Plan in the practice of the Courts".
The magistrate Rosa Maria Rodrigues Gazire Rossi presented the lecture on "Shared Management of the Sustainability Performance Index (SDI)". In the same session, the magistrate Ariostenis Guimarães Vieira ministered the workshop with the theme "Seized Goods".
Love Hospital
Also, during the program, 314 kilos of recyclable materials were delivered, being 83 kilos of beverage seals and 231 kilos of PET bottle caps, which will be commercialized by the Love Hospital in the city of Palmas, and the income will be reverted to the patients. The recyclable products were collected by the judicial courts, administrative headquarters, Esmat, and the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, between January and June 2023.
In the afternoon, the facilitator Francielle Nogueira Braga talked about the " Socio-environmental Management System (SIGA)" and the PLS' BI Panels. Closing the Meeting, the facilitators Patrícia Urcino Idehara and Welica Rodrigues Lemes Barros conducted the workshop on "Socio-environmental Projects and Indicators and Socio-environmental Targets".
The 1st Socio-environmental Management Meeting aimed to contribute to the understanding of the determinations contained in the Resolution No. 400 of the National Council of Justice, 2021, and in other norms of the body, as well as in the Sustainable Logistic Plan of TJTO. Moreover, it sought to promote the development of autonomous and creative directors and public servers, preparing them to adopt humanistic and multidisciplinary approaches in the search for socio-environmental solutions.