The last day of the III Socio-environmental Management Seminar was marked by important lectures and deep reflections on climate citizenship and sustainable development strategies. The first lecture was given by the Forest Engineer Carlos Vicente, National Coordinator of IRI Brazil (UN). The speaker addressed the importance of a new way of being in the world, based on the paradigm of care. According to Carlos Vicente, climate citizenship encompasses caring for oneself, for others, for the environment, and for future generations.
In the second lecture, lawyer Caroline Marques Leal Jorge Santos, researcher from the group of studies applied to the environment at the University of the State of São Paulo (GEAMA/USP), spoke about the possible repercussions of climate damage on the Judiciary, from the perspective of civil responsibility.
REDD + Jurisdictional
The theme of the third and last lecture was "Jurisdictional REDD+: business opportunities in the State of for a low greenhouse gas emissions development strategy: competitive and sustainable Tocantins". The speaker, PhD Marli Santos, Superintendent of Environmental Public Policy Management at SEMARH-Tocantins, clarified doubts about the REDD+ program and its application in the State of Tocantins. She also explained that REDD+ is an economic instrument that seeks the preservation of forests.
Tiago Costa Rodrigues, Sociologist and Master in environmental sciences, expressed his satisfaction as a registered participant in the Seminar, stating: "The Seminar promoted by Esmat and the Court of Justice comes to consolidate a fundamental discussion about socio-environmental responsibility in the context of Law and in other areas, from a multidisciplinary perspective. These discussions contribute significantly to the environmental preservation policies that the State of Tocantins, for example, seeks to promote, as well as to the protagonism of the Court of Justice and Esmat in this theme. I congratulate the event and hope that it happens more and more, broadening the debate on environmental and social issues," he commented.
The Socio-environmental Management Seminar is an initiative promoted by the Judiciary, through the Coordination of Socio-environmental Management and Social Responsibility (COGERSA), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Sustainable TO Network.