CNJ will promote the xviii conciliation week from november 6th to 10th

The campaign for reconciliation, conducted by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and involving the Justice, Labor, and Federal Courts, is scheduled to take place in November, from the 6th to the 10th. Since 2006, the conciliation week aims to reconcile the largest number of cases in the country.

Conciliation is a means of resolving, in a brief manner, conflicts of a simple nature, with the presence of a third party, who adopts an active but neutral position in relation to the conflict, that is, it seeks social harmonization and the restoration, within possible limits, of the social relationship of the parties involved.

How to Participate

The courts must make a selection of the cases that have the possibility of settlement and call the parties involved in the conflict. If the citizen or institution also wants to be part of the processes, they need to look in advance to the court in which the case is being processed.

Other Forms of Conciliation

During the week, the conciliations chosen are called procedural, in other words, those that are already in court. However, there are other means of conflict resolution, called pre-procedural or informal, which are done before the lawsuit is filed, and the interested party itself can seek a solution through conciliators or mediators. If the parties opt for this method, conciliation can take place in the Judicial Centers for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship that exist in each court.

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