Counselor of CNJ speaks about confronting violence and judgment from a gender perspective at the opening of the 23rd justice for peace at home week

"It is a theme that is essentially necessary for us to think about the construction of a better, free, fair and solidary country, when more than half the population, women, still have their rights daily disrespected", said Federal Judge Marcio Luiz Coelho de Freitas, counselor of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), during the opening lecture of the 23rd National Week of Justice for Peace at Home. The event was held in a virtual ceremony on Monday morning (March 3rd), with transmission by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) channel on YouTube.

For the judge, it is important to be clear when thinking about judicial policy. "When we think about building policies, we can't think about imposing policies, we have to start horizontally," he said, saying that it is necessary to listen to society and to judges who work in the area of domestic and family violence.

According to the counselor, this is an essential point when talking about confronting violence and judging with a gender perspective. "What we intend now, with the protocol of judgment with a gender perspective, is to get out of this abstraction and appropriate ourselves more and more to the concrete reality", he commented, pointing out the need for magistrates, when acting, to be aware of the social structure for a more effective judicial provision.

Thus, according to the speaker, the Judiciary will assume a place of protection and shelter for the women victims, in order to contribute so that they can feel safer to break the cycle of violence and seek the Judiciary more and more.

And the trial protocol with a gender perspective, as the counselor recalled, is a tool to help magistrates to understand this social structure, which is designed to keep women in their rightful place. "If we want to get out of the 5th position that kills the most women in the world, it is necessary to change this social structure.

Despite the advances in recent years, the speaker considers that there is still a constant violation of rights. "Today, it is unacceptable to naturalize violence against women," he stressed.


The opening of the Justice for Peace at Home Week was done by the vice-president of TJTO, Justice Ângela Prudente, who praised the goal of the Program and the awareness of society to the violent reality faced by Brazilian women.

All efforts aimed at eradicating domestic and family violence against women are necessary and contribute greatly to the gender inequality reducing, enabling women to have a dignified life, with the guarantee of receiving and enjoying all the rights inherent to a fair and equal society, said the Justice.

For the vice-president, the Justice for Peace at Home Week appears as a force to leverage the actions to combat gender violence. "Besides enabling the broad visibility and awareness that the theme demands, it translates practical results triggered by the union of efforts of the entire legal community in favor of the prevalence of rights constitutionally guaranteed to men and women indistinctly."

The Justice closed by inviting all magistrates to join the concentrated effort to judge and give impulse to cases involving domestic and family violence against women, with a more sensitive look at the objective of the program.



Task Forces and Goals

The state coordinator for Women in Situations of Domestic and Family Violence, Judge Cirlene Maria de Assis Oliveira, while talking about the main competencies of the State Coordinator for Women in Situations of Domestic Violence (CEMSVID) and the objectives of the Justice for Peace at Home program, presented the results of the jurisdictional provision.

According to the judge, the productivity in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins has been growing, especially in relation to hearings.  Regarding the director outreach of educational actions, the number of participants increased from 26,625 to 27,342 from the 21st to the 22nd edition.

In the opportunity, the coordinator thanked the commitment of the team and the adherence of the magistrates in holding the task forces, highlighting that the State of Tocantins has been excellently fulfilling the Goal 8, whose goal is to prioritize the trial of cases related to feminicide and domestic and family violence against women.


During the event, the Prosecutor, member of the Support Center for the Areas of Consumer, Citizenship, Human Rights, and Women (Caoccid), Renata Castro Rampanelli Cisi; the Public Defender Gomides de Souza; the acting president of OAB-Tocantins, Priscila Madruga, made the institutions available to develop actions to prevent domestic violence.

Arióstenis Guimarães Vieira, Auxiliary Judge of the General Inspector Office of Justice, who on that occasion represented the General Inspector Office of Justice, Justice Maysa Vendramini, highlighted that the General Inspector Office of Justice, in its management plan, predicts actions that seek to combat violence against women and affirmed that the institution will remain open to all debates that discuss actions to protect women.

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