Esmat holds workshop on Unified Process Tables (TPU) of the Judiciary

In order to promote the knowledge of the Unified Process Tables (TPU) of the Judiciary and their handling in the Electronic Process, making the Eproc users aware of the importance of their use in the process, the School of Judges of Tocantins holds, between November 30th and December 4th, the workshop The Culture of the Correct Authentication of Process in Compliance with the Unified Process Tables of the Judiciary (TPU/CNJ) - Groups I, II, III and V.

250 vacancies per class are being offered to magistrates and staff of the Tocantins Judiciary, members and staff of the State Prosecution, public defenders and staff of the Public Defender's Office, civil police officers and staff of the Public Security Secretariat of Tocantins, users of the National Eproc System.

For each class, there will be a specific day, as follows: Class I - 30th of November 2020, from 2 pm to 6 pm, target audience: magistrates and servants (effective or commissioned) of the Tocantins Judiciary. Class II - December 1, 2020, from 2 pm to 4 pm, target audience: members and officials of the State Prosecution. Class III - December 2nd, 2020, from 2 pm to 4 pm, target audience: members and staff of the Public Defender's Office. Class V - December 4th, 2020, from 2 pm to 4 pm, target audience: civil police and officials of the Secretariat of Public Security.

Registered students must participate in the activities of their respective class, to be developed in the modality at a distance, through the Google Meet Platform. For the class IV, which has as target audience, lawyers registered with the Brazilian Bar Association, registrations will open on November 16th, 2020.

To access the Notices, click here

Click here to register in Class I (magistrates and officials of the Judiciary of Tocantins)

Click here to register in Class II (members and servers of the State Prosecution)

Click here to register in Class III (members and servers of the Public Defender's Office)

Click here to register in Class V (Civil Police and Public Security Secretariat staff)

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