Open Registration for the IV Seminar on Public Policies for the Adequate Treatment of Conflicts and 5th Cejuscs Meeting

The School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) holds, on November 25th, 26th and 27th, the IV Seminar on Public Policies for the Adequate Treatment of Conflicts and the 5th Meeting of the Judicial Centers for Conflict Resolution (CEJUSCs). The Seminar aims to enable participants to exchange experiences that may contribute to the improvement and enhacement of the activities developed, focused on conflict resolution, and foster self-composition and the use of their methods.

Those interested in participating in the Event will have until November 25th, 2020 to register. In all, one thousand vacancies will be available for magistrates; servers working in Cejuscs; servers of the Judiciary in Tocantins; accredited conciliators working in Cejuscs and Special Courts; members and servers of the State Prosecution Service; members and servers of the Public Defender's Office; police delegates; lawyers; university professors of the Colleges; notaries and registrars of the state of Tocantins; students and community in general.

With a 5-hour class load, during the course themes will be presented, such as: The Challenges of Virtual Conciliation and Mediation; Cejusc in the Multiport Court Vision; Modular System for Conflict Treatment and the Technological Innovations in the Consensual Solution; Dispute System Design. 

To visualize the Notice, click here.

To register, click here

To access the Programming, click here


Informations: Center for Training and Improvement of Magistrates, by phone (63) 3218-4408 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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