General director of esmat teaches a lecture at international event on development and environmental protection

With “The inhabited spaces and the forest peoples under the Amazon Cooperation Treaty “ theme, the General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), Justice Marco Villas Boas taught a lecture this Friday (1st) in the virtual programming of the I World Conference – Green Cities, Ecodesign, Circular Economy and Fundamental Rights. Advances, Gaps and Projections, an event promoted by the University of the city of Passo Fundo (UPF), the University of Itajaí Valley (Univali) and Praeminientia Iustitia – Interdisciplinary School of Fundamental Rights (Escuela Interdisciplinar de Direitos Fundamentales) based in Peru, with over 100 specialist professors from 20 countries.

In his speech, the Justice talked about the historical and economic context of the Amazon forest as well as the presence of the traditional indigenous communities that inhabit it, interleaved with the search for the subsistence of its original peoples, under the analysis of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (TCA). “The Amazon can not be framed in objective regulations that do not consider the cultural diversity and the diverse ways of life and socioeconomic development of its communities. The concept of ethnodevelopment in this respect can and should be used as a tool to understand and solve the problems of the most distant, isolated communities, chaotically established on the Banks of Rivers without any urban planning, without counting with the basic, essential appliances and services in the areas of sanitation and health”, he said.



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