Governance in public hiring is good for the justice system and public organization, highlights the coordinator of the STJ group

The implementation of the Governance in Public Contracting was the closing theme of the IV Forum of Governance in the Justice System, this Thursday (June 9th), in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO). The lecture was conducted by the coordinator of the Governance of Contracting Committee of RGB (Governance Network Brazil), Paulo José Ribeiro Alves.

A server at the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), he addressed the advantages of the Law 14,133, which comes into effect next year and dictates general bidding and contracting rules for public administrations. "The new bidding and contracting law could easily be called the contracting governance law. It is based on a device that brings to contracting a governance regime and no longer the bureaucratic model of the [law] 8,666/93 [Bidding Law]," he said, in the event promoted by TJTO and Esmat.  

For him, the directive of the new law is good "for the justice system and public organization." "In less than 300 days we will have this law in effect in Brazil. Are we prepared?" he questioned in the opening of his lecture.

The employee of STJ also pointed out that the new law generates a necessary "alignment" that Law 8.666 did not have. "This alignment unites contracting, strategy, and budget. These three could never be separated. Now, governance ties them together, brings them closer to each other," he commented, while also mentioning the importance of the annual hiring plan. "Only the hiring that responds to a strategic objective of the institution will be part of the plan. This is an instrument of a broad governance, with the purpose of the efficiency of the actions."

The lecture, entitled Implementing Governance in Public Contracting, had Elise Brites, RGB's Institutional Relations Director, as the coordinator of the table.


At the closing, TJTO's Assistant Judge for the Presidency, Manuel de Faria Reis Neto, informed that the initiative had 630 participants, who will receive certificates.

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