National council of justice holds seminars on empirical research applied to judicial policies

The Seminar on Empirical Research Applied to Judicial Policies will take place this Thursday (May 5th) and on May 19th. The event aims at discussing researches on the judiciary and exchanging experiences among public servers, researchers, students and those interested in empirical research and data generation methodologies.

Empirical research applied to judicial policies has a relevance when applied by magistrates and servers of the Judiciary, making academic and scientific knowledge directly applied by those who deal daily with the provision of justice.

The Seminars have been held by the National Council of Justice, through the Judicial Research Department, since May 2021, always with new subjects, and take place every two weeks, on Thursdays.

The theme of this week will be "The Special Courts and the promotion of social rights", with presentation of the researches: "The Repetitiveness in the Disability Benefits in the Special Courts of the Judiciary Section of São Paulo" and "The social dimension of the policy of access to effective justice: The Special Civil Courts as a development vector in the Courts of Intermediate Instance of the State of Maranhão".

Thus, throughout the Seminars, it is intended to promote a space for debate and reflection on the Researches on Judicial Policies. The event will take place virtually, at 5pm, and will be broadcast by the CNJ YOUTUBE CHANNEL.


To register, click here.

Click here and check the programming.

For more information, click here. 

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