In the 2nd Encope: Magistrates and servers receive Judiciary Management Award

One of the attractions of the opening of the 2nd ENCOPE – Meeting of Judges and the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the State of Tocantins, on the evening of Thursday (September 1st), in the auditorium of the TJTO, was the delivery of the Judicial Management Award. This is an initiative in recognition and appreciation of good practices developed in the administrative and judicial management of the courts of the State of Tocantins.

In her speech, the Chief Justice of the State of Tocantins, Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, spoke about the tribute to the winners of the Judiciary Management Award Minister Sálvio de Figueiredo Teixeira, an instrument created by the General Internal Affairs of Justice, in 2021, to identify and disseminate successful practices in the First Degree of Jurisdiction of the State of Tocantins. "I congratulate all the registrants, whose innovative practices have positively impacted the local communities, either by ensuring access to Justice, or by disseminating the culture of social pacification within the scope of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins."


The winners of this year

In the 2nd Region category the winners are Judge Wellington Magalhães and the employee of the City of Cristalândia Thaynara Moura Monteiro, with the "High Level Management of the Water Resources of the Basin of Formoso River" project.

In the 3rd Region category, the winners are Judge Eduardo Barbosa Fernandes and the court clerk from the city of Arraias, Vagna Carla Alves, with the "Itinerant Cejusc of the city of Arraias - The Judicial Power Closer to the Citizen!” project.

Judge Gisele Pereira de Assunção Veronezi received a honorable mention for entering the "Reflexive Group, Aware Man" project, developed together with the servers Carla Regina Nunes dos Santos Reis and Taynã Nunes Quixabeira.


The prize in 2021

In 2021, the first edition of the Judiciary Management Award took place virtually because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the 1st Region category, the winners were the magistrate Aline Marinho Bailão Iglesias and the servers of the Region of Novo Acordo Court Forum, with the Citizenship and Justice “Mutirão” Project.

In the 2nd Region category, the magistrate Ricardo Gagliardi, from the County of Miranorte is the winner with the “Tactical and Operational Planning of the Judiciary Unit” project.


The evening ended with the “Simple Language in the 1st Degree and Access to Justice” magna lecture, with Heloísa Fischer. She is a journalist, educator, and entrepreneur. She has been active in the field of the Simple Language since 2016. She wrote the “Clarity in e-gov texts, a matter of citizenship”, the first book in Portuguese about the Simple Language movement applied to government texts. She is the founder of Communicates Simply and creator of the Communicates Simply writing method, with 20 guidelines for writing texts that are easier to read, and also of the “First Steps for the Use of Simple Language” course, available in the virtual platform of the National School of Public Administration - Enap. 


Correctional Activity

Also during the meeting, which continues until tomorrow, the signing of two provisions for the improvement of the correctional activity is planned. “This is a reason to be very proud. Pride in the delivery, the result, and the teams involved,” said the Justice.

One of them is the one that will institutionalize the Correction System – SICOR. “I congratulate the effort and dedication of Lilian Carvalho Lopes, coordinator of Correction, Planning and Improvement of the First Instance, and the teams of the General Internal Affairs and Information Technology Department of the Court of Justice, for developing the system. It is an expectation of years that will become reality.

The other is the Correction Module in the GISE System – Integrated Management System of Extrajudicial Offices. “I congratulate server Wagner José dos Santos – coordinator of the Notary and Registry Services, and the entire team that participated in the development of this important module of the system,” he said. “I register that the GISE system was born in 2011, in the administration of Justice Ângela Prudente, as an electronic tool for monitoring the acts performed by the extrajudicial offices of the State of Tocantins, interconnecting them with the General Internal Affairs of Justice”, he recalled.



Attending the opening ceremony were magistrates and servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. Alongside the Chief Justice, on the honor roll, were the Vice-Chief Justice of the State of Tocantins, Justice Angela Maria Ribeiro Prudente; the President of the Regional Electoral Court of the State of Tocantins, Justice Helvécio de Brito Maia Neto; Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal; the Assistant Judge of the General Internal Affairs of Justice, Roniclay Alves de Morais; the General Public Defender of the State of Tocantins Estellamaris Postal; the representative of the Association of Magistrates of the State of Tocantins (ASMETO), Judge Aline Bailão Iglesias (social director of the entity); and the representative of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Tocantins Section, general secretary Jandra Pereira de Paula. The “Tambores of Tocantins” group was the cultural attraction of the night.


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