X Legal Congress on Supplementary Health

For the first time, the Legal Congress on Supplementary Health can be followed live. The tenth edition of the event, which takes place annually, will be broadcast free of charge to the external public on Youtube and the IESS website.

With important names from the Brazilian Judiciary and the participation of supplementary health institutions, the Congress seeks to expand and foster the dialogue about judicialization of the sector. The program includes four panels with lectures and debates on themes such as readjustment, ANS’ list of procedures, and health techs.

The Legal Congress is held by Copedem with the support from the IESS.



Minister Ricardo Villas Boas Cueva – STJ

Dr. José Cechin - IESS

Minister João Otávio de Noronha – STJ

Dr. Alexandre Fioranelli – Director of DIPRO – ANS

Dr. Carla Soares – Deputy Director of DIPRO – ANS

Minister Antônio Saldanha Palheiro - STJ

Dr. Paulo Rebello – President of ANS

Minister Luis Felipe Salomão - STJ

Dr. Clemente Nóbrega



Dr. Luiz Celso Dias Lopes - IESS

Dr. Cássio Ide Alves – Abramge

Dr. Denizar Vianna – UERJ

Federal Judge Clenio Jair Schulze


For more information, click here. 


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