Challenges and impacts of sustainability in the digital age seminar discusses global conjuncture in the face of the need to promote economic, environmental and social values

The discussions about the technological advances, seeking the enthronement of the sustainability in the administrative, economic and social agendas of companies and agencies, were debated on the first day of the Challenges and Impacts of Sustainability in the Digital Age Seminar. Promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM) in partnership with the National School of Magistracy (ENM) and with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the event takes place in Rio de Janeiro, in a hybrid manner in person and distance learning through Copedem’s Youtube page.

For Judge Marco Villas Boas, president of Copedem and General Director of Esmat, the return of face-to-face activities, even ifin a restricted manner, is a great privilege, since Copedem was created in the city of Rio de Janeiro – RJ. “Now in this event we are discussing sustainability and looking at the current war conflicts; we need to provide solutions that can promote the improvement of our people’s lives in a way that is not only ecological, but that has gained several dimensions, even the economic and social aspect. We have seen that it is necessary for companies and organizations to understand that profit is not the ultimate end”, he stated.

The Justices Caetano Lopes, José Laurindo de Souza Netto, Henrique Carlos Andrade Figueira and Cristina Tereza Gaulia received the Commemorating Medal of the 13 Years of Copedem, instituted on March 12th, 2018, in honor of the Justice Antonio Rulli Junior for the importance of his legal and academic performance in Brazil and in other countries, highlighted by idealism, pertinacity and determination in search of the union and sharing of knowledge between judicial and magistrature schools.

In the first lecture of the Seminar, the Minister João Otávio de Noronha, from the Superior Court of Justice, spoke about “Sustainability, Equality, and Corporate Education”, outlining an analysis of the conjuncture that went through companies that did not know how to adapt to the new themes, such as the case of the photo and film printing company, going through the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the planetary tension resulting from the war conflict. “Sustainability can not be seen only from the business aspect. We have to decide while preserving future generations and the legal order, to ensure that our children, our grandchildren, our descendants will find a democratic environment in which they can live as splendidly as we are living,” he said.

The programming of the Challenges and Impacts of Sustainability in the Digital Age Seminar continues this Friday (18th), starting at 3 pm, Brasília time.

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