Esmat brings together public servers and magistrates in the first event of the year

Servers and magistrates of the Court of Justice attended the first event of the year. The Workshop "Diary System - Class III" was held by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins on Thursday, January 27th, remotely, through the Google Meet platform.

The first facilitator to speak was the public server Seny Almeida de Arruda, with a bachelor's degree in Administration and a Specialist in Public Law from Esmat. Next, the public server and facilitator Monielle Guerra Justino Villas Boas.

With a classload of 5 hours, the facilitators trained and updated the servers and magistrates on the guidelines and procedures for requesting, granting, paying and accounting for per diems in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. 

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