Round of Talks "Fears and Uncertainties: Mental Health in the Context of New Contaminations by Covid-19" had great participation of internet users

Understanding that we are going through an atypical period in all corners of the world accompanied by suffering, pain, losses, and even complemented by social and economic issues that worsened due to the emergence of Covid-19 were the topics addressed during the round of talks promoted by the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). The event, held through Esmat's Youtube page, was directed to magistrates, servers, and others interested in the subject. 

With the psychiatrist Wordney Carvalho Camarço, the social worker Alana Barbosa Rodrigues, and the psychologist Tássio de Oliveira Soares as debaters, the event addressed guidelines and warnings about self-medication, the search for monitoring through the Psychosocial Support and Monitoring Center (NAPSi) in cases of emotional symptoms, anxiety, and other psychological conflicts. 

Other topics addressed in the round of talks also discussed preventive mechanisms such as social isolation, use of mask, alcohol gel and other individual safety equipment, practice of healthy activities and avoidance of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and food. 

About the immunization flow, it was addressed that all of us, in the proper period, need to complete the vaccination cycle of two doses and then the booster dose. "This person underestimates and doesn't consider the health of those who are concerned, stressed the psychiatrist Wordney Carvalho Camarço. As for the psychologist Tássio de Oliveira Soares, prevention and the immunization cycle is part of our civilization pact. We would say that people of good sense continue with their good sense. We trust in these attitudes so that we can continue in our civilizing cycle", he stated 

In her speech, the social worker Alana Barbosa Rodrigues reinforced the importance of the immunization process of the Brazilian population. "Talking about health goes through the individual and collective fields. Vaccination in other times made it possible to eradicate many diseases and we will certainly reach a level of containment of this virus. This is part of the civilizational pact of harmonious coexistence", she stated. 

About NAPSi

NAPsi was created with the purpose of offering psychological and social support to magistrates and public servers, having as its premise the promotion of health and the prevention of risks inherent to work, and as basic foundations - spontaneous demand; absolute secrecy of information; universality (what is right for one is also for all, regardless of position or function); and not to act as an interlocutor in administrative and institutional matters. 

Those interested in seeking psychological counseling can call us at (63) 3901 9052 or 3901 9053.



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