Esmat holds workshop on supplementary health the possibilities and impossibilities of an agreement

Aiming to promote the knowledge of the Cooperation Agreement number 8, of 2021, at Cejuscs, signed by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins and Unimed of the city of Palmas, to solve the conciliation demands caused by the judicial parties and companies, in order to transform the culture of litigation into a culture of dialog, leading to peaceful solutions to conflicts between the parties involved, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins is holding, on February 18th, at 8:30 am, the WORKSHOP on Suplementary Health and the possibilities and impossibilities of an agreement. Registration opens this Friday (4th) and runs until February 18th.

One thousand vacancies are being offered to conciliators and mediators accredited with the Permanent Center for Conflict Resolution Consensual Methods (NUPEMEC) and the Judicial Centers for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (CEJUSCs) of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins; to magistrates, public servers and to the community in general.

With a total workload of 4 hours, the Workshop takes place in the Distance Learning modality, through the GOOGLE MEET Platform.


About the lecturer:

Arthur Luiz Pádua Marques

Born in Goiânia-GO. Graduated in Law from Unifev in 2003. Post-graduated in Public Law, extension course in diffuse, collective and homogeneous individual interests. He concluded the doctorate course in Law at the National University of Lomas of Zamora, ARG. He is currently a public defender, holder of the 30th Public Defender’s Office of Health of the Capital, coordinator of the Specialized Center in Ethnic Issues and Combating Racism (NUCORA).


To register, click here.

Check the Notice, click here.

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