Network security course with focus on VOIP telephony starts classes

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins started classes for the Network Security course with a Focus on VoIP Telephony on November 3rd, 2021.

25 vacancies were offered to male and female servers, collaborators of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. With 65 hours, the course aims to train the servers responsible for the IP telephony network in the LINUX operating system as a prerequisite in Physical and Logical Information Security in the IP telephony network, embedded in the TJTO's data network.

Held remotely, the training will be given by the facilitators Milton Martins Flores and Marcos Tadeu Von Lutzow.

About the facilitators

Milton Martins Flores

Electrical Engineer, with emphasis in Telecommunications, Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Telecommunications and Information Technology Engineer, by the Plan for Upgrade in Telecommunications and Information Technology (PATT), 1994-1995, held by Embratel in partnership with USP and UNICAMP. Master STRICTO SENSU in Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications from Fluminense Federal University (UFF).

Marcos Tadeu Von Lutzow

Telecommunications Engineer from UFF. Professor at the Department of Telecommunications Engineering at UFF since 1988. Master in Electrical Engineering, with emphasis on computer networks, from COPPE/UFRJ. Participated in the GT-RH ( in the elaboration of the first course aimed at training the operation technicians of the National Research Network (RNP), having taught classes for the first class in January 1996. He has provided consultancy nationwide on issues related to Local Area Networks, TCP/IP, Network Security, UNIX/Linux Administration in several large companies, such as CFET/Paraná, Firjan, IBM, Petrobras, Globo Network, Telemar, UFES etc. He was responsible for the following UFF extension courses: Practical Course on Unix Station Administration; Practical Course on TCP/IP and Unix for Internet Servers; Formation of Security Managers in Computer Networks and Internet Access; VoIP Asterix PBX deployment and VoIP Systems. As a consultant, he has provided information security auditing services nationwide for major banks. He planned, developed and implemented Internet access providers, as well as several systems for access and professional use of the Internet in commercial environments, migration from analogical telephony to VoIP, enabling economy and efficiency increase in the contact between vendors/clients and the company, by means of Secure Systems (VPN). In Niterói/RJ, he specified and set up one of the first Internet access providers, in 1998, creating all technical and administrative processes - Microlink.

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