COPEDEM discusses labor relations and advances in the delivery platform market in the country

Debates about labor relations in the face of technological advances and the pandemic, more precisely in the food delivery system, and the issues of possible precariousness in the Brazilian labor system were topics addressed in the Webinar Digital platforms and the future of work: challenges, impacts and regulation, promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Judges (COPEDEM) in partnership with the National School of Magistracy (ENM) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), under the Coordination of Memory - Memory. The event was attended by several academic and business authorities who debated on the theme. 

For the Justice Marco Villas Boas, president of Copedem, the arrival of digital channels and delivery services were already a trend even before the pandemic. The Justice reinforced the need to discuss labor relations with the intensification of service. "This is a permanent forum for the constant training of magistrates, promoting participation in legal debates that unblock and find solutions in social and labor relations," he said.

With the cultural support of Ifood, the Event is available on Copedem's page on the YouTube platform. The Webinar was attended by Minister Douglas Alencar Rodrigues, from the Superior Labor Court; the lawyer and professor of Labor Law at Mackenzie University, Juliano Barra; the senior legal and public policy director of Ifood, Lucas Pittioni; the lawyer and professor, Tatiana Ferraz Andrade; and the lawyer and professor at the FGV/SP School of Law, Sólon Cunha.

Moderated by Labor Judge and coordinator of the National School of Magistracy, Paulo Roberto Dornelles Júnior, the event was also attended by the President Director of the National School of Magistracy, Caetano Levi (TJMG), and coordinated by Professor Lourdes Gonçalves, from Memory – Center of Legal Memory. 

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