I State Seminar on policy for the care of people egressed from the criminal justice system citizenship, promotion of rights and insertion in the labor market

The debates about the resocialization of former egresses of the prison system in the Brazilian society, promoting dignity and favoring the insertion in the qualification process, labor market among others were the themes discussed at the 1st State Seminar on the Policy of Attention to People Exiting the Criminal System. The event, held through virtual platforms, was promoted by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) in partnership with the State Secretariat of Citizenship and Justice.

According to the Law of Criminal Enforcement (LEP), an egresses is an individual who has been out of prison for a maximum of one year or one who has been conditionally released. In both cases, the legislation establishes that legal, health, educational and social assistance must be extended to this population. With this premise, the Seminar sought to discuss the theme in the State of Tocantins, as well as to discuss the policy model for the attention to egresses people; promotion of the adoption of state and municipal mechanisms of employability and allocation of pre-egresses and egresses people's workforce; participation of the civil society in the execution of the penalty; the role of the attention network to people egresses from the penal system in the process of reestablishing the social bonds; the social office as a public equipment for the concretion of rights.

During the event, Mr. Heber Fidelis, Secretary of Seciju, spoke about the importance of the event to show the present authorities and civil society the role of Citizenship and Justice in fostering the policy of attention to egresses. "Through the Social Office, which is a public equipment driven by the National Council of Justice and supported by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins and by the Secretary, specialized services are offered from the reception of people who have left the Penal System and their families, allowing them to find support for the resumption of living together in civil liberty," he said.

In his speech, Judge Allan Martins Ferreira, head of the Criminal Court and Criminal Enforcement in the judicial district of Palmas and member of the Monitoring and Supervision Group of the Prison System (GMF), reinforced the initiatives of insertion of former criminals in Brazilian society, more specifically in the State of Tocantins, which has infrastructure and a multidisciplinary team to work in the process of reintegration into society. "I usually say that penal execution in Brazil for at least 10 years has been going through a structural transformation that can be compared to a true silent revolution, and each day it is becoming uniformly consolidated," he argued.

The 1st State Seminar on Policy for the Care of People Egressed from the Criminal System was aimed at magistrates, servers of the Justice System, the Criminal System, the Network of Support to People Exiting the Criminal System and other professionals interested in the topic, as well as the civil society.

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