Enfam calls for the Submission of Articles to a Congress

The Research Group GEPDI 4 - Law, Development and Impact of Judicial Decisions, linked to the Graduate Program in Law of the National School for Training and Improvement of Judges (ENFAM), makes public the present Call for Proposals and invites those interested in submitting papers, in the form of expanded abstracts, for oral presentation at the 1st Congress on Law, Development and Impact of Judicial Decisions, to be held between June 14th and 17th, 2021, remotely.


  1. To disseminate research activities developed within the scope of the Professional Graduate Program in Law of the National School for the Training and Improvement of Judges (Enfam), as well as those carried out by Judges, public servers from the Judiciary, students from Graduate Programs of Higher Education Institutions in the country, and research professors.
  2. To encourage academic affinities among magistrates, servers from the Judiciary, and others interested in the congress theme, providing an exchange with researchers from the most diverse institutions in the country.


May present expanded abstracts

  • Brazilian magistrates of any level of jurisdiction;
  • Career civil servers of the Judiciary, Executive, and Legislative Branches, who do not exercise professional activities of a private nature, except for teaching;
  • Professors, students, researchers, linked to HEIs and research centers, and professionals from fields of knowledge other than Law (Social Sciences and Humanities);
  • Professors, students, researchers, linked to HEI and research centers, and professionals in the area of Law with full and exclusive dedication to academia and/or voluntary professional activity (pro bono). 


April 19th, 2021 to May 29th, 2021: Submission period for expanded abstracts

May 30th, 2021 to June 9th, 2021: Evaluation period of the abstracts by the Scientific Committee

June 10th, 2021: Announcement of approved abstracts

June 14th, 2021 to June 17th, 2021: Event Realization

June 15th, 2021 to June 17th, 2021: Oral presentation of abstracts by Working Groups (WGs)

September 3rd, 2021: Expected publication of the Annals of the Congress


 Access the complete Notice.

Click here to submit your abstract (from April 19th to May 29th, 2021).

Check out the preliminary schedule.

Model with Guidelines

Expanded Abstract Template


Source: Enfam Portal 

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