National Adoption Day is celebrated by the TJTO's General Inspectorate of Justice with incentive to late adoption and implementation of an application of active search for prospective parents and children and adolescents for adoption

Officially chosen on May 25th 2002, the National Adoption Day reflects the struggle for the search of an adoptive home for children and teenagers, as well as for prone parents waiting for a child. With this proposal, the General Internal Affairs of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, in partnership with the Superior School of Magistrates of Tocantins (ESMAT) held on Tuesday (May 25), the Webinar Adoption: Ageless Love. The project aims to accomplish Goal 3 of the General Internal Affairs of Justice, foreseen in the Management Plan 2021-2023, which aims to stimulate the late adoption of children and teenagers.

In the occasion, the Judge Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, general Chief Justice, signed the regulation of the virtual application A.DOT, an active search tool present in 10 states for late adoption of children and adolescents. In her speech, the Judge reinforced the importance of the application signature, pointing out data from the National Adoption and Fostering System, which indicate that in Brazil there are 30,624 children and adolescents in institutional foster care services. Of this total, 4,966 are eligible for adoption and 32,561 are available for adoption. "In face of this challenging scenario, it is necessary to raise society's awareness to the late adoption of sibling groups or children and adolescents who present some special health condition. In this sense, it was signed today the provision that regulates the use of the Application A.DOT, which standardizes active search in the state of Tocantins and establishes routines and procedures for all magistrates with jurisdiction in the area of Children and Youth," she said.

In the first lecture, Judge Sérgio Luís Kreuz, one of the creators of the application created in the state of Paraná, gave the lecture Application A. DOT Application - Case of success in the Judicial Administrative Department in Paraná. "Today we are celebrating a very important date, May 25th, the national day of adoption. On this day we also celebrate the three years of the A.DOT application. We always have to take into consideration that adoption is aimed at serving the interests of the child and the adolescent, and not the adults", he reminded.

The second lecture, given by Judge Adriano de Melo Oliveira, coordinator of Childhood and Youth of TJTO, was about Adoption under the view of the childhood coordinator, who spoke about the role of the Judge, of the Judiciary in the guarantee of the right to family cohabitation. "The perception we have today, and society itself also has, is that the judge is that living entity that decides monocratically at work or gathered with his peers, in state and superior courts. But working in the area of childhood is different, and it is exactly this reflection that I want to bring up. The Judge in the area of childhood has to work in a way that is not exclusively that of applying the law to the situation, according to his or her legal conviction. The decisions in the area of childhood are not only the Judge's, but the attitudes of the lawyers, public defenders, and the opinions; the actions of the State Prosecution should be articulated together with a protection network", he affirmed.

Taught by the social worker and coordinator of the Management Group of Multidisciplinary Teams (GGEM) of TJTO, Márcia Mesquita Vieira spoke about the importance of the preparation course as a requirement for the qualification of applicants for adoption, reinforcing the performance of the Group in the State, i.e., that the course is a legal and mandatory requirement for the adoption process, as provided by the Statute of Rights of Children and Adolescents (ECA). "The GGEM meets the demands of all courts and districts of the state, the only thing they have to do is to send the adoption process request through the Eproc system to the GGEM of the Regional Center to which it belongs, requesting the fulfillment of the technical phase, which precedes the habilitation judgment", she reminded.

The last lecture of the day was emotional with the testimony “Adoption is the ageless love”, from the educator and mother of two boys Deiby Jubiely de Miranda. A resident of Colinas of Tocantins, in the north-central region of the state, the 42-year-old lecturer told her stories. "I have my two presents which is João Felipe who arrived as a baby and today is six years old. After a while I was already enrolled and I learned about the issue of the Host Family, I signed up and Moisés showed up. I had called and was asked if I was interested in staying with a child who suffered abuse in his biological home. He has a very sad story, he couldn't read, he couldn’t sleep, the light needed to stay on. As time went by, he learned how to read, he is in the fifth grade, he is a very happy and wonderful child. He stayed with me for two years and there was a question if I would like to adopt him, but I already loved him from the first day. I think it was already a soul connection, and he started calling me Mom from the first day. Thank God everything worked out, today he is 11 years old and he is my official son. I am the mother of my beautiful princes, who are the loves of my life. Love has no age. A child just wants to be loved, to be called his own," she said, emotional.

Adoption in the artistic class

The singer Milton Nascimento, adopted in childhood, is the father of his only son, Augusto, also adopted. The stylist and federal deputy Clodovil Hernandez, already deceased, was also adopted by a Spanish immigrant couple. The singer Gal Costa is the mother of Gabriel, adopted at the age of two. A similar example was set by the singer Vanessa da Mata, who adopted three grown-up children. The discreet way in which she takes care of the boys, the oldest, after turning 18, went to live abroad, and the composer wrote one of the most beautiful musical records with the song “The world to Felipe”. Touching and simple, the song demonstrates that a mother's love is indifferent to the way her son arrives in the world, and that reciprocal love is more important.

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