Course On “Hacker Techniques For Intelligence And Organic Security I” Begins

The course on “Hacker Techniques for Intelligence and Organic Security I” had its first meeting at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) on Monday (September 23rd) and it will continue until September 27th. Justice Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, coordinator of the training, took part in the opening and highlighted the importance of this activity for the daily work of civil servers.

Aimed at civil servers of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), preferably those with duties in the areas of Intelligence, Institutional Security and/or Information Technology, the course has a workload of 40 hours and it aims to provide mastery and use of technological tools, with an emphasis on intelligence activities, data collection from open sources, institutional security and cyber security.

Taught by facilitator Thiago Magalhães de Brito Rodrigues, a specialist in Computer Forensics and Digital Forensics, this first day featured a theoretical and practical class, covering the basics of computer systems, computer networks, cryptography and the preparation of a secure environment for intelligence, organizational security and hacking activities.

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