District Of Gurupi Receives Training On How To Act In Situations Requiring Immediate Help

Servers and magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins in the District of Gurupi took part on Tuesday (September 17th) in a training session on how to act in situations that require immediate help until health services arrive.

The activity is part of the course on Basic Life Support (BLS), which is already in its third class this year, and was conducted by cardiologist Elaine Cristina Ferreira, coordinator of the Health Space of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) and a member of the clinical staff of the Cardiocenter Palmas, and nurse Bruno Ribeiro Rocha, who has a postgraduate degree in Urgency and Emergency.

About the SBV

Basic Life Support (BLS) involves a set of emergency procedures applied as first aid in life-threatening situations, such as sudden illness, cardiac arrest (CA) and airway obstruction. The practice of BLS, which has evolved over the years, follows a sequence of predetermined steps that can be carried out at the scene of an incident, providing essential first aid to victims who are at risk.

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