Esmat Trains Magistrates As Forensic Interviewers For Testimonies Of Children And Adolescents Victims Of Violence

The course on "Special Testimony of Children and Adolescents who are Victims or Witnesses of Violence Using the Brazilian Forensic Interview Protocol (PBEF)" ends this week, on July 5th, with the evaluation of the reactions of the thirty-two magistrates from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins who took part in the training.

Coordinated by Magistrates Adriano Gomes de Melo Oliveira and Wellington Magalhães, the 40-hour course began on May 24th and it was conducted via the Virtual Environment of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat).

With the aim of training magistrates as forensic interviewers for taking the special testimony of children and adolescents who are victims or witnesses of violence, in accordance with the Brazilian Forensic Interview Protocol (PBEF), the training classes were given by Judge Hugo Gomes Zaher (TJPB) and Judicial Analyst Simony Freitas de Melo (TJPE).


Emphasizing that the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) has been committed to prioritize the treatment of children and adolescents, as established in the Federal Constitution and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, Judge Adriano added that, "with the support of Esmat and the Court, another course was held to qualify magistrates to deal with violence against children and the necessary actions of the Judiciary to deliver the necessary judicial services."

In a comment, coordinator Adriano mentioned the Resolution 11 of May 21st, 2024, recently published by the TJTO, which establishes the creation of Specialized Courts to judge crimes against children and adolescents in the city of Palmas and three other cities in the State of Tocantins. "With this resolution we will have more agility and, with this course promoted by Esmat, more speed and effectiveness in protecting children and adolescents," he said.

For Judge Wellington Magalhães, who also coordinated the course, "the testimony of a child or adolescent, victim of any crime, has to be an act of humanity, in other words, it has to follow a protocol that prevents re-victimization. It is in this sense that this course is justified, as a tool to prepare magistrates to conduct these testimonies with independence but, above all, with the care that is indispensable."


Emanuela da Cunha Gomes, a Judge in the district of Araguatins, described the training as "extremely useful". "Esmat, as always, has offered courses of excellence to the judiciary of the State of Tocantins, for the constant recycling of its members, who become increasingly able to deal with such complex issues, in which it is essential the hearing of children or adolescents who are victims or witnesses of violence," she said.

For Jefferson David Asevedo Ramos, Director Judge of the district court of Augustinópolis, taking part in the course was "a rich and comprehensive educational experience; fundamental not only for deepening my knowledge, but also for refining my practical skills in conducting forensic interviews with children and adolescents".

Praising the didactics and materials offered by the teachers, Jefferson said that the structure of the training covered the topics needed to understand and practice the special testimony. "We learned about forensic interview techniques, ethical and legal considerations, and strategies to avoid re-victimization of children and adolescents during court proceedings, all presented in a clear and applicable manner. I am confident that the skills and knowledge acquired will have a lasting effect on my professional practice and it will contribute significantly to effective protection and justice for our children and adolescents," he said.

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